Comprehensive Recreation & Open Space Plan (Final Version, Adopted)
The update of the Upper Saucon Township Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Plan has concluded. The Final Plan and Appendix is available for download below. The Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on July 11, 2022.
Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Plan
Information below this line is from the Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space review and update beginning in October 2020.
Join us for the first of four public meetings to be held to develop the Upper
Saucon Township Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Plan.
We want to hear your ideas and vision for the future of parks, recreation and
open space within the township.
Public Meeting Dates are:
Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, January 8th at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, April 8th at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, June 10th at 6:30 pm
All meetings will be held in the Public Meeting Room at the Municipal Building.
Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Public Meeting #1 – Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30pm
The focus of the first public meeting is to introduce the project consultant, Simone Collins, to the residents attending the meeting and to identify the purpose and scope of the Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Plan (CROSP) Update.
Topics to be covered are:
Why Complete a Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Plan?
What are the most important components of a comprehensive park, recreation and open space plan?
Project Scope of Work
Project Schedule
Project Goals, Facts and Concepts
Presentation (PowerPoint Converted to PDF)
Online Public Opinion Survey (#1)
Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Public Meeting #2 – Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 6:30pm
Topics to be covered are:
Area Demographics / Projected Population Growth (from 2019 Draft Comp Plan) Ideas from First Committee and Public Meetings
Online Survey and Wikimapping Responses
Review of Current Recreation Projects in Upper Saucon Township
Review of Key Points in Existing Zoning and SALDO Regulations
Review of Existing Conditions / Impact of Open Space
NRPA Metrics and Benchmarks
Next Steps / Identification and Ranking of Parcels for Open Space Preservation
Presentation (PowerPoint converted to PDF)
Online Public Opinion Survey (#2)
Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Public Meeting #3 – Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 at 7:00pm
Public Meeting #3 will be conducted online in response to COVID-19 Protocols.
Click on the following link for directions on how to participate:
Clicking on the links below will take you to the consultant’s Microsoft Teams site so you can watch the recording. Please note that the actual presentation starts about 15 minutes from the start. If you slide the video bar to the right to the 15 minute mark you will see Peter Simone start the presentation.
Public Meeting #3 – Draft Plan
Draft Plan – Click to Download
Draft Plan Annex – Click to Download
Comprehensive Recreation and Open Space Public Meeting #4 – Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 6:30pm
The final public meeting for the Upper Saucon Recreation and Open Space Plan will be on Wednesday August 19th at 6:30 at Southern Lehigh Middle School. Below please find a flyer for the meeting, if you can distribute it to your networks. We will review the final recommendations for the plan during the meeting
2008 Open Space Referendum
In 2008 the Upper Saucon Environmental Advisory Council conducted an Open Space Study to explore ways to protect and preserve existing farmland and open space as part of a larger system of well connected, managed and programmed parks and open spaces to serve a variety of users, and provide a range of experiences and environments. From this effort, the committee recommended to the Board of Supervisors a Earned Income Tax increase to provide a financing method to pay for land acquisition or conservation easements. The Board subsequently authorized a Natural Areas Referendum on the November 4th, 2008 Election.
The following documents contain Public Outreach Information relevant to that Ballot Question:
Township Newsletter “Special Referendum Issue”
Ordinance Number 142 (Contains Actual Ballot Language)
Lehigh County Board of Elections Ballot Question Approval
November, 2008 Voter Registration and Turnout
In 2011 Upper Saucon Board of Supervisors authorized the formation of a new Open Space Study Committee including the services of The Trust of Public Land, a Non-profit consultant that helps communities raise funds, conduct research and planning, acquire and protect land, and design and renovate parks, playgrounds, trails, and gardens.
The following documents contain information relevant to that study: