Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) of Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, is scheduled at the Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, PA on Wednesday March 5, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of hearing the following appeal:
APPEAL NO. 2025-01 – LVHN Realty Holding Company (Owner), 2100 Mack Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18106 and NH-Coopersburg PA-1 UT, LLC (Applicant), 4747 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633. The properties, identified as Tax Map Parcels 642442461793 1, 642442635317 1, 642443306558 1, 642442756042 1, 642442954891 1& 642442436781 1 also known as 3875 Passer Road, 6301, 6501 & 6553 N Main Street and 6550 & 6530 N. PA Route 309, Coopersburg, PA 18036, are a combined 6.80 acres in size and located in the Commercial (C) Zone. The applicant requests favorable interpretations regarding the yards determination by the Zoning Officer as well as applicable setback measurements for proposed Lot A of the Neighborhood Hospital and Medical Office Building Record Plan. In the alternative, applicant seeks variances from Section 220.F.1 and 220.N to allow a principal structure (office building) with a front yard setback of 20’ (50’ required) and to allow an accessory structure (trash/ generator enclosure) within a front yard (only permitted in side and rear yards) with a setback of 10’ (20’ required) and a variance from Section 512.B to allow disturbance within the 50’ required wetlands buffer for a utility installation.
The Zoning Appeal files may be examined at the Upper Saucon Township Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, Pennsylvania, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Questions should be directed to the Zoning Officer, Trent J. Sear, at 610-282-1171 ext. 1254.