The Upper Saucon Township Police Department operates out of the Township Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road. The Department is comprised of over 20 full-time officers, 2 Police Clerks and a Chief of Police. In addition to 24-hour patrol services and crime investigation, the Department participates in a regional DUI task force, sponsors a local D.A.R.E. program and is a participating member of the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project.
About Us
The Upper Saucon Township Police Department consists of two divisions, Patrol and Criminal Investigation. The Patrol Division consists of four platoons, each supervised by a Sergeant. This division is comprised of certified accident re-constructionists, six officers assigned to the department’s bicycle unit having been trained by the International Police Mountain Bike Association, three DARE instructors who teach within both Southern Lehigh School District and St. Michael’s Parochial Schools and three officers who are members of the Lehigh County Municipal Emergency Response Team. The Criminal Investigation Division is comprised of a Detective Sergeant, two Detectives and two School Resource Officers specifically serving Southern Lehigh School District.
The Police Department has a fleet of marked patrol vehicles, unmarked vehicles, Police equipped bicycles, and a utility trailer equipped for accident reconstruction and processing major crime scenes. The department has had in car camera video recording capabilities for over fifteen years, and in 2016 began deployment of body cameras.
Members of the department receive ongoing training in areas including but not limited to:
- DUI enforcement
- Speed enforcement
- Critical incident thinking
- Preventing Bias-based policing
- Internal affairs
- Evidence collection
- Crime scene photography
- Digital forensics
- Command and leadership
- De-escalation training
- Court testimonial training
- Special weapons and tactics training
- Crises negotiation training
- DARE training
- School Resource Officer training
- Numerous other proactive training courses to empower our officers to be professional and effective
Our Mission
The Upper Saucon Township Police Department is committed to providing the people within our jurisdiction the highest level of service that is possible. By holding our officers to recognized standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct, we strive to provide all citizens quality service.
The Department’s goals are the protection of life, liberty, and property. To attain these goals, we will work in unison with our citizens to seek solutions to problems of crime, quality of life issues, or any situation of community importance that involves police department assistance. This is to be accomplished while recognizing that all people will be treated in a fair, dignified, and courteous manner.
History / Accreditation
Around the year 1965, the Township established the Police Department on a part time basis. On August 28th, 1973, the department became a full time Police Department serving residents of Upper Saucon Township twenty-four hours per day.
In May of 2003, the Police Department began the accreditation process through the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. The department’s first Mock Assessment was conducted on May 16, 2006. The department’s first On-Site Assessment occurred on September 27th and 28th, 2006 and the department received its first Certificate of Law Enforcement Accreditation from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association on December 26, 2006. The Upper Saucon Township Police Department has maintained Pennsylvania Accredited status since 2006 achieving successful recertification every three years.
D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The D.A.R.E. Officers provide instruction for children attending the Southern Lehigh Middle School. This nationally recognized program provides children with the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, alcohol and violence. Officers from the Upper Saucon Township Police Department have been providing D.A.R.E. instruction since 1989. Click here to visit the National D.A.R.E. web site.
DUI Task Force
The DUI task force conducts sobriety checkpoints and roving patrols on area roads that have been known to experience a high level of alcohol related accidents and/or arrests. Area police departments formed the regional task force to raise public awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving. The task force is funded by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Aggressive Driving Patrols
The Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project (PAADEEP) is a statewide initiative that utilizes crash data to identify aggressive driving locations. High visibility targeted enforcement, public awareness and training are conducted on these roadways to reduce the number of needless aggressive driving injuries and deaths.
The partnership is comprised of municipal police departments, the Pennsylvania State Police, PennDOT, the US Department of Transportation and community groups and organizations.
Participating Agencies will use Traffic Enforcement Zones, Saturation Patrols, Speed Enforcement Details, Corridor Enforcement, Work Zone Enforcement and Multi-Jurisdictional Patrol strategies to identify and cite aggressive drivers.
The PA Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project would like to thank all participating Police Agencies for their commitment to traffic safety. These efforts continue to contribute to the reduction of crashes, injuries and deaths on Pennsylvania roadways.
PA Route 309 and Center Valley Parkway in Upper Saucon Township has been identified as a target roadway for this program due to the number of accidents that occur along this roadway.
Child Safety Restraints
The Upper Saucon Township Police Department has two certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) who inspect child safety seats. The CPST will educate parents and caregivers on the proper way to install a car seat in their vehicle.
Car seat checks are by appointment only. This service is free of charge and open to all residents of Upper Saucon Township. To make an appointment for a car seat inspection, please call the department at 610-282-3064. All drivers are responsible for securing children properly in the appropriate restraint system.
Chief of Police
Contact Information
Dial 911 for Emergencies
Police Department Headquarters
5500 Camp Meeting Road
Center Valley, PA 18034
Non-Emergency: (610) 282-3064
Fax: (610) 282-0345
Contact the Department Online »
Lobby Hours
7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday – Friday
Fingerprinting – During business hours, USPD will provide fingerprinting services for our residents free of charge. We utilize an inkless system with the standard FBI paper cards. Please bring you applicant card with you if provided. We do not provide digital fingerprinting.
Crash Report – Please contact the Police Administrative Office during business hours for a copy of a releasable crash report. The cost for non-residents is $10.00 paid by cash or check only. Upper Saucon does not accept credit cards. You can also mail in a request with a check made payable to Upper Saucon Township with your crash incident number included. Your insurance company can also request the crash report on your behalf. We do not provide copies electronically.
AA600 – PennDOT Driver’s Accident Report
Important Links
Right to Know Request Form (docx)
Right to Know Request Form (pdf)
Identity Theft Victim (Federal Trade Commission Guidance)
Identity Theft Victim (PA Attorney General Office Guidance)
Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program (S.N.A.P.)
Municipal Emergency Response Team (MERT); Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT)
Officer David M. Petzold Digital Forensics Laboratory
Lehigh Valley DUI Highway Safety Task Force
Aggressive Driving Targeted Enforcement Grants
Perscription Drug Drop-Off
The Upper Saucon Township Police Department is proud to announce the installation of a permanent drop-off box for unused medications. The box is located in the lobby of the Police Dept., and is available for free, anonymous drop-offs Monday – Friday, from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Animal Lost & Found
As of January 2012, Upper Saucon Township has partnered with the Lehigh County Humane Society to provide assist and locate lost animals. If your pet runs away & you cannot find him/her we encourage you to contact:
Lehigh County Humane Society
640 Dixon Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Phone: 610-797-1205
Fax: 610-797-3439
If you have a feral cat issue, you can contact No Nonsense Neutering of the Lehigh Valley. Their services include a trap-neuter-return program.
No Nonsense Neutering of the Lehigh Valley
1044 N. Quebec St.
Allentown, PA 18109
Phone: 1-866-820-2510, ext #2
PLEASE think about adopting an animal in need-you may find your new best friend(s) there.