Home » Township News » NOTICE OF ROAD WORK – WEST ROCK ROAD (Route 145 to Lanze Lane)

NOTICE OF ROAD WORK – WEST ROCK ROAD (Route 145 to Lanze Lane)

During the week of May 22th from approximately 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM West Rock Road is scheduled to receive a preventative maintenance treatment called Ultra­ Thin Bonded Wearing Course. This process is a high-performance thin paving system which will both seal the street as well as providing a new road surface.

During this week there will be one day when the milling of paving notches will occur to prepare for the overlay. The Overlay will only take one day to complete during this week, weather permitting.

In order to provide for a safe working environment for our crews and for the traveling public (due to the volume of traffic coming off the 1-78 ramp and from Route 145) the road will be closed to traffic entering onto West Rock Road from Route 145. You will be permitted at all times to exit West Rock Road heading toward Route 145. You will also be permitted at all times to enter onto West Rock Road from the 1-78 Eastbound Ramp.

Your Township Public Works Department and Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC. look forward to providing you with a new road and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Questions? Please visit our website and check out our Notice of Work FAQ’s section at www.amsroads.com or call 610-797-2645.