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Chestnut Hill Road Construction

Anrich Inc. has been awarded the Chestnut Hill Road Storm Sewer Project, Phase 2 with Upper Saucon Twp. Some preliminary work has already begun, including receiving construction material, delivery of construction equipment, survey work, street saw cutting and other miscellaneous work. The construction zone is between W Hopewell Road and Limeport Pike. Detour Signage will be erected on Thursday July 1, 2021. The major work including excavation will begin just after July 5th.

While their crews are working, Chestnut Hill Road will be CLOSED to thru traffic between 7:00 am thru 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday. When the daytime work is done, the road will be open again to through traffic. The only exception is when the box culvert is installed near 4210 Chestnut Hill Rd., this work will require a 24-hour road closure for a 5-day period, not including weekends. 

Anrich’s crew will do all that it can to expedite this work to minimize any inconveniences. All local residences will have access to their driveways from one direction or another during work hours. As always, Emergency Services will be given priority if responding to locations within the construction zone.