Home » Township News » Route 309 / Lanark Rd / Camp Meeting Rd Intersection Improvements

Route 309 / Lanark Rd / Camp Meeting Rd Intersection Improvements

Route 309 and Lanark Road Intersection

The intersection of Pennsylvania State Route 309 and Lanark Rd/Camp Meeting Road in the Township experiences significant delays during the peak morning and evening hours. Route 309 is split through the intersection resulting in an unconventional intersection design which leads to driver confusion – especially for vehicles on Lanark Road/Camp Meeting Road, given the single approach lanes. Left turning vehicles on these approaches are unsure whether to turn in front of opposing left turns vehicles or behind them. The intersection has been analyzed by multiple traffic studies and a scope of improvements to improve safety and increase capacity has been developed.

The project will widen route 309 by constructing a northbound left turn lane, realign and widen Lanark Road to provide an exclusive eastbound left-turn lane and shoulders, realign and widen Camp Meeting Road to include a westbound left-turn lane and shoulders, install new traffic signals, emergency vehicle detectors, channelized right-turn islands and upgrade existing storm water facilities.

This project will improve intersection alignment, increase overall intersection capacity, improve safety and functionality. Preliminary work began on at the end of April. The bulk of the work is being done over the summer with completion expected in late summer.

The project was awarded to Blooming Glen Contractors in February 2021 for $1.36 million dollars. A one-million-dollar grant was provided by the Commonwealth of PA for this project, the remaining $360,000.00 is being split by the Township and the Southern Lehigh School District.  

Intersection Improvement Illustration