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Township Park and Playing Field Fertilization Closure

Upper Saucon Township will be applying fertilizer at the Community Park on Tuesday, May 21st (rain date Wednesday, May 22nd).

Due to the nature of this application, there will be an ALL DAY CLOSURE of both the park and playing fields. We anticipate opening the park the day following the application. We ask that the Sports Leagues notify the coaches, and pass word along to the parents as well.

This application includes:

Late Spring: Fertilizer, Crabgrass Pre-Emergent, Broadleaf Weed Control, Grub Control & Surface-feeding Insect Control

• 17-0-5 liquid fertilizer
• Prodiamine 65 WDG
• Horsepower Selective (no 2,4-D)
• Imidacloprid 75 WSB (grub control)
• Bifenthrin I/T (surface insect control)

The application is weather-dependent, and dates are subject to change. For more information, please contact the Township Office.

Additional dates for treatments later this year are:


Individuals listed with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Hypersensitivity Registry are notified in accordance to the regulations.