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Public Notice: Preston Lane Drainage and Roadway Improvements Project

Preston Lane Drainage and Roadway Improvements Project

As you may know, the Township commenced a bidding process for improvements to Preston Lane between Route 378 and Camp Meeting Road in the vicinity of the Southern Lehigh School District campus. The low bidder was awarded the contract at a public meeting of the Township Board of Supervisors on May 14, 2018 and a notice to proceed was issued on June 29, 2018.

The project involves essentially two phases. The first phase of construction is presently underway and includes stormwater improvements along Preston Lane. The second phase involves the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Preston Lane and the westernmost driveways to the High School and Middle School (driveways closest to Camp Meeting Road).

Unfortunately, there has occurred a delay in the procurement of certain materials necessary to complete the project prior to the commencement of the 2018-2019 school year. The Township and the contractor are in discussions concerning the ability to complete both phases of the project this year, which includes street paving prior to the onset of adverse weather conditions. Another option is to delay the second phase of work (construction of the roundabout and road improvements) until the summer of 2019. The Township is keeping the School District apprised of the status of this matter and will inform the public when a decision is made.

Regardless of the option selected, arrangements are being made to provide access to and from the campus via Preston Lane. Specific detour and access information will be posted on the Township and School District web sites. Motorists should anticipate delays, especially during peak travel times, and use caution driving through the area.

Preston Lane – notice to residents 8-9-18