Road Department Prepares for Winter
The Road Department has stockpiled over 100 tons of salt and over 200 tons of a salt and anti-skid mixture for use on Township roads each winter. Township crews begin winter preparations in early November by getting the trucks, plows, spreaders and other equipment ready for snow control operations. Crew members undergo training on equipment use and winter safety protocols, and schedules are established for operators and on-call personnel
In What Order Are Roads Plowed?
Arterial and collector roads will be plowed first. Secondary roads and cul-de-sacs will be plowed after the main roads have been cleared.
How Can Residents Contribute To the Township’s Snow Control Efforts?
Public cooperation is an important factor in the Township’s winter road maintenance program. By following these simple guidelines, you can make a significant contribution to the Township’s snow control efforts:
- Do not drive unnecessarily in a storm, especially during severe snowstorms and freezing rains. If possible wait until roads are clear before traveling.
- Remove parked vehicles from the street if a storm is anticipated and keep vehicles off the street until after plowing is completed. This allows plows to clear the entire roadway the first time through, making return trips unnecessary.
- Do not shovel snow into the road or have your driveway plowed into the road. This can cause a serious traffic hazard.
- If possible, wait until the road has been plowed before cleaning out the end of your driveway. There is no practical way to plow the road without depositing snow into your driveway.
- It is best to place snow on the side of your driveway opposite the direction the plow is traveling (see diagram). By implementing this technique, the plow will carry snow away from your driveway rather than back into it.
- Owners are encouraged to install mailboxes at the maximum usable distance from the edge of the roadway. Also, make sure your mailbox is secured tightly on a sturdy post. The homeowner is responsible for replacing/repairing a mailbox damaged by plowed snow.
- Be sure your car is properly equipped for winter driving (snow or multi-season tires, good wiper blades, etc.).
- Do not be misled by trucks running with their plows raised. They may be returning for fuel or they may be headed to another area. The municipality may not be responsible for all roads in the area. Some roads may be maintained by the state and some roads may be private (as in developments where roads have not yet been dedicated to the Township).
Our snow control operators are dedicated to providing the highest level of service possible. However, occasionally equipment breakdowns and/or other unforeseen circumstances delay our snow removal efforts. Please be patient, our operators will get to your street just as soon as they can.
Mailbox Policy:
The following shall constitute a policy for the handling of claims by Township Residents for damages to mailboxes caused by direct strikes from Township vehicles during the actual performance of snow plowing operations. Click here for Policy.
If you have any questions about the Township’s winter road maintenance program, please contact the Road Department at (610) 282-1171, ext. 6.