Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Upper Saucon Township will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Township Municipal Building, 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the hearing is to consider the request of Ronald and Faye Schuler for an exemption from the well isolation distance requirement of 25 Pa. Code 73.13 in order to locate an on-lot sewage disposal system closer than 100 feet to a private well and for a waiver from the requirement of 25 Pa. Code 72.33(c)(1) in order to forgo the submission of an appropriate groundwater study in connection with the aforementioned exemption request. The Schulers propose to install a replacement on-lot sewage disposal system on the property located at 6663 Vera Cruz Road in Upper Saucon Township. Components of the replacement on-lot sewage disposal system will be located approximately 47 feet from an existing well on the same property. This request is made pursuant to 25 Pa. Code 73.3(b) and 72.33(b). The hearing will be conducted pursuant to the Local Agency Act and Resolution No. 2005-38.
Copies of the request and all related supporting documents may be examined and/or obtained at the Township Municipal Building during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Interested individuals may appear at the public hearing to comment on the request.
Upper Saucon Township
Thomas F. Beil, Township Manager