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Zoning Hearing Board


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) of Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, is scheduled at the Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, PA on Monday November 4, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of hearing the following appeals:

APPEAL NO. 2024-17 – Daria & Pawel Markowski (Applicants/Owners), 6160 Patrick Lane, Coopersburg PA 18036. The property, identified as Tax Map Parcel 641381309382 1, also known as 6160 Patrick Lane, Coopersburg, PA 18036, is 1.13 acres in size and located in the R-1 Zone. The applicant is appealing ZEN 2024-10 and requesting a variance from Section 211.I (as amended by Ordinance 141-A) to maintain a +/- 369 sq ft shed with rear/side yard setbacks of 3’/0’ where a minimum of 15’ is required.

APPEAL NO. 2024-18 – James K. Delahay, Jr. (Applicant/Owner) 6006 Domarray Street, Coopersburg, PA 18036. The property, identified as Tax Map Parcel 641480427835 1, also known as 6006 Domarray Street, Coopersburg, PA 18036, is .46 acres in size and located in the R-2 Zone. The applicant is requesting an interpretation of the Zoning Officer’s determination that a swim spa and a hot tub built into an existing patio attached to the house shall meet the principal use setbacks as well as remain outside the 35’ Building Restriction Line (BRL) identified on the Ray Mar Farms record plan. In the alternative, the applicant requests variances from Section 212.H (as amended by Ordinance 141-K) to allow rear yard setbacks of 15’ – 20’ for the hot tub, swim spa and patio where a setback of 30’ is required and to allow these portions of the principal structure within the 35’ BRL.

APPEAL NO. 2024-19 – Robert & Allison Brink (Applicants/Owners), 7763 Carlton Road, Coopersburg PA 18036. The property, identified as Tax Map Parcel 643453003043 1, also known as 7763 Carlton Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036, is 16.11 acres in size and located in the R-1 Zone. The applicant is requesting variances from Sections 211.B.12.j, 452.B, 452.D and 452.E to establish and permit an Integrated Family Dwelling Unit without a direct interior connection to the principal dwelling, that is not restricted to an elderly, handicapped, disabled or caregiving family member and which may contain separate cooking facilities/major cooking appliances and fuel or energy service.

The Zoning Appeal files may be examined at the Upper Saucon Township Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, Pennsylvania, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Questions should be directed to the Zoning Officer, Trent J. Sear, at 610-282-1171 ext. 1254.