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PUblic Notice – Upper Saucon Township Zoning Hearing Board Meeting, Monday, October 5, 2020

Notice is hereby given that the regular public meeting of the Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) of Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, is scheduled at the Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, PA on Monday October 5, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of hearing the following appeals:

APPEAL NO. 2020-08: John & Trisha Fistner (Owners/Applicants), 1704 Cortland Lane, Bethlehem, PA 18015. The property identified as Tax Map Parcel No. 642558114012 1 and 1704 Cortland Lane, Bethlehem, PA 18015, is 3.01 acres in size and is located within the Open Space Residential (OSR) Zone. The Applicant requests a variance from Section 210.J (as amended by Ordinance 141-A) to permit modifications to a house/driveway/walkways under re-construction and expand the proposed pool and patio resulting in 6,636 additional sq. ft. of impervious coverage and a resulting increase in impervious coverage to 13.1% of the lot where a maximum of 10% is permitted.

APPEAL NO. 2020-09: St. Luke’s Health Network (Owner/Applicant) 801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015. The property identified as Tax Map Parcel Nos. 641495690784 1, 641496236498 1 and 641496326137 1 and 5415 Lanark Road, 5321 W. Valley Road and 5341 W. Valley Road, are 7.57, .74 and 1.79 acres in size and are located within the Commercial (C) Zone. The Applicant requests variances from Section 322.D (as amended by Ordinance 141-A) to allow two (2) signs with total area of 68 sq. ft. for the dermatology building where one (1) sign with 64 sq. ft. is permitted and four (4) signs with a total area of 209.5 sq. ft. for the pediatric building where one (1) sign with 64 sq. ft. is permitted. Applicant also requests to modify the relief previously granted in Appeal 2018-08 to add an additional 22.85 sq. ft. wall sign to the main building while reducing the area of the retaining wall sign by 38 sq. ft. Lastly, the applicant requests a variance to permit certain interior directional signs that exceed the height and area restrictions.

The complete Zoning Appeal files may be examined at the Upper Saucon Township Municipal Building located at 5500 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, Pennsylvania, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Questions should be directed to the Zoning Officer, Trent J. Sear, at 610-282-1171 ext. 1254.