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Public Notice – Preston Lane Drainage and Roadway Improvements Project

Preston Lane – Preston Lane Drainage and Roadway Improvements Project

Construction is underway for improvements to Preston Lane between Route 378 and Camp Meeting Road. The Township has separated this project into 2 phases. The first phase includes the construction of stormwater and drainage facilities to be completed on or about October 26, 2018. The second phase involves the construction of a roundabout on Preston Lane with work commencing on or about June 17, 2019, and finishing on or about August 10, 2019.

The contractor has agreed that during the 2018 work, access to the School District campus via Preston Lane will be available on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. At all other times this access will be closed. Residents of Preston Lane will have full access to their homes at all times.

Persons desiring to access the campus outside of the above specified hours should visit the School District’s web site for alternate access instructions.

Motorists should anticipate delays, especially during peak travel times, and use caution driving through the area.

Preston Lane 20180821